Quick and Easy Page

From Breakfast to Dinner and everything in between. I prep, prep, prep....I have an idea of what our kids like and I have taken on the way my grandmother did things. It seems slow, but it's steady stream of goodness coming our way...Not all at once!
I don't know about you but it literally take me several days to have my house in the bare essentials order I am comfortable in. It take quite a bit of planning. I'm just to the point of discipline where I'm not trying to keep it all in my head and write the detailed stuff down.
One day is for clean up and clear out, the next is stocking up and finally prepping! I stock and prep all kinds of things in my freezer and fridge. depending on when I need it and the shelf life of everything.

So that said I know how difficult or challenging it can be to make time to add a new twist...or say more vegetables and whole grains. It has to be done. So I'm always on the look out for a simplified version. Mostly it's prep work. Prep and stash! Then when I break out with a chocolate mousse or tea sandwich platter for brunch all the work was worth the effort ... So here we go...let's discover new and easy ways to give our family the best we can, with the least amount of hassle as possible.
I'm thinking of the mom throwing flour on her face before exiting the kitchen after making Rice Crispie's treat! May we all be so clever to get the biggest bang for our little efforts!